Sunday, March 18, 2012

Our Backyard

Where We Work > USA


Child Poverty in America

Support Programs in the U.S.

Nearly one in four
American children lives in poverty—that’s 16 million kids who understand all too well what it means to go without. What does “go without” mean in America? For the children we serve in rural America, going without can mean no access to things many take for granted.
Simple things like books, healthy foods, and places to play and exercise. And not so simple things, like knowing there will be food on the table at all, a safe place to sleep at night, or just the comfort and hope that comes from being able to see a future outside of poverty.
At Save the Children, we believe all children deserve a fair chance at a bright future.

Learn more about:
How You Can Help

You can support programs in a child’s community through Child Sponsorship, ensuring they have access to the resources they need to succeed in school and life. Learn more about the reward of sponsoring a child today.

Sponsor a Child
in the U.S. today >>

Investing in America’s Future… One Child at a Time

Save the Children's dedicated U.S. Programs staff work in America’s poorest and most remote areas to break the cycle of poverty. In states across the country, from the foothills of Kentucky to the deserts of Arizona, our successful and proven programs are making a difference the lives of underserved, and often forgotten, children.
During the 2010-2011 school year, Save the Children’s Early Childhood Education, Literacy, Physical Activity and Nutrition and Emergency Response programs benefited more than 141,000 children, families, and caregivers.
We help kids get the resources they need—access to a quality education, healthy foods and opportunities to grow up in a nurturing environment. And when disasters strike, Save the Children is among the first on the ground keeping children from harm and we stay on helping communities rebuild child care, playgrounds and much more.

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