Wednesday, May 9, 2012


 The topic that I am very interested in and would like to find out more in depth information is, the effect of immigration on young children.I would like to learn  how this might affect children's development now and later on down the road.I work with a large imigrant population and this can

help me better understand the children I serve.Young low-income children of immigrants remain

twice as likely to be uninsured ( Anderson.Capps, Fix).

This also is an issue with cognitive development and the engagement in school and their ability to be

emerging citizens, as pointed out by Professor Marcelo Suárez-Orozco, 2011 As an early childhood

professional It is essential that I have a clear understanding of all these important issues.I would like

any information that anyone can offer on this subject.I would also like to share one of my favorite

websites that offers many free courses and tons of educational information on young children.I hope

you will visit the site and find it useful.

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