Saturday, April 21, 2012


First of all my thank to Dr. Klien for opening my eyes to the needs of our most vulnerable ones,and her guidance.You are truly what the word teacher means.

In these past weeks I have been able to see the faces of many EC issues and needs.A consequence from this has been, that I was able to join many discusions  on  Linkedin with other international professionals and learn about how they see Ec issues.

My second consequence has been being able to join Save the Children organization.I receive many valuable newsletters and up dates on international, as well as local children's issues.Although I would have loved to have a direct contact,their letters were very educational and had a ton of important information.

My third consequence was being able to have the opportunity to read all my classmates blogs with b such interesting and educational information.It was wonderful to read how others view EC.

I have truly been able to look inside myself while taking this course, and I realized that I am 100% correct in wanting to pursue my passion of being an advocate.I consider this class one of the most educational journeys yet.I know that all the knowledge that Dr. Klien has subjected us to has not been in vein.

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